Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

As a vital part of the healthcare system, pharmacy stores play a crucial role in providing essential medications and healthcare products to the public. However, it’s common for customers to have questions and concerns when it comes to utilizing the services and understanding the processes involved. In this blog post, we aim to address the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our pharmacy store, helping you gain a better understanding of how it operate.

  1. What services do pharmacy stores provide?

Our Pharmacy store, Pharmasltd, offer a range of services beyond simply dispensing prescription medications. They provide over-the-counter medications, health and wellness products, medical equipment, vitamins and supplements, and often offer services such as vaccinations, health consultations, and medication therapy management. Some pharmacies also provide compounding services, where medications are specially prepared to meet individual needs.

  1. Do I need a prescription for all medications?

Prescription requirements vary depending on the medication and local regulations. Certain drugs, such as antibiotics, pain medications, and chronic disease treatments, generally require a prescription from a healthcare provider. However, many over-the-counter medications, including pain relievers, allergy medicines, and cold remedies, can be purchased without a prescription. It’s important to consult with a pharmacist or healthcare professional if you’re unsure about a particular medication’s requirements.